Custom LED Screen Belt Buckle (Pink)
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Product information :
Amazing scrolling LED Belt Buckle. Program whatever message you want on this incredible electronic LED Display! It can say anything: Your name, company motto, favorite sports team or funny catch phrase... The possibilities are endless! Programming your message is easy and takes only minuets. The message can be changed at any time! This buckle attaches to any belt with interchangeable buckles so you can use your old favorite belt if you wish. This buckle features a 5" LED dot matrix that scrolls your message across the buckle. The LED Matrix Panel is bordered with a stylish polished chrome frame that accentuates your scrolling message. This buckle also stores up to 6 messages at a time and features brightness and scroll speed adjustments. High efficiency LEDs can run for over 2o hours continuously on a single set of CR2032 Batteries (included). With your buckle you will also receive an in depth set of instructions that teaches you in seconds the Ins and Outs of your new electronic LED Message buckle. Choose from hundreds of character combinations including all letters Aa-Bb and all numbers 0-9 as well as many other common symbols, punctuations and characters.
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Tags : Custom, LED, Screen, Belt, Buckle
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